Prentice and I met in January 1998. We have known each other for that long!! Can you believe it? It has taken a lot of growing together in body and mind to be where we are today. We are best friends and will announce it to the world on August 9, 2008. He proposed like any woman would want her man to propose. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him in a jewelry store conning me into believing that we were looking for rings together. But little did I know that he had already purchased this beautiful ring that is on my finger today. He did all by himself. We love each other with all that we can. He is the light of my life!!

The wedding will be small and intimate. Classy and elegant, but at the same time relaxing. The cermony will take place at the O Henry Hotel in Greensboro NC in the garden area of the hotel. Dress attire is casual but keep wedding in mind. Maybe a coat, but not necessarily a tie. We want you to enjoy yourselves! There will be a cocktail hour before the ceremony takes place in the social lobby of the hotel.

The reception will be take place at the adjoining pavillion. A plated dinner will be served. You will have your choice of Salmon, Chicken or Tenderloin. There will be a bar also for our guests.

You can get information on surrounding areas at digtriad.com.

We are so very excited that you are able to share this special day with us! Prentice and I grew up together mentally and for those of you that are joining us at our wedding this is a very, very special day for reasons that we cannot even begin to describe. The love that we share is unlike no other.